
Neuropathy Treatment Brookfield


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Neuropathy Treatment clinic near Brookfield

Neuropathy can make everyday life a constant battle. The pain, numbness, and weakness that come with nerve damage can be frustrating and debilitating. If you’re a Brookfield resident struggling with neuropathy, know that there’s hope.

Advantage Chiropractic understands that neuropathy isn’t just about physical discomfort. It impacts your whole life. That’s why our clinic, led by the experienced Dr. Evan Norum and Dr. Zachary Bruley, offers more than just symptom management. We focus on finding the underlying causes of your neuropathy and provide personalized solutions to address them.

Our treatment plans go beyond traditional pain relief. We incorporate a blend of spinal adjustments, targeted physical therapy, expert nutritional advice, and stress-reduction techniques. This comprehensive approach gives your body the tools to heal and helps you regain control over your health.

Don’t let neuropathy dictate your life. Advantage Chiropractic offers Brookfield residents a path toward lasting relief and improved well-being. Let’s work together to help you rediscover the joy of movement and pain-free days.

Symptoms of neuropathy often start slowly and include:

  • Numbness and tingling sensations
  • Sharp, burning, or stabbing pains
  • Heightened sensitivity to even light touch
  • Loss of strength in affected areas
  • Difficulty with balance and coordination

If you’re tired of relying on medication that only masks the pain, consider the long-term benefits of chiropractic care.

Play Video about Advantage Chiropractic in New Berlin patient waiting and exam area.


10:00am – 1:00pm
3:00pm – 6:00pm

3:00pm – 6:00pm

8:00am – 12:00pm
3:00pm – 6:00pm

10:00am – 1:00pm
3:00pm – 6:00pm



Milwaukee TMJ4 News Logo.

Serving Neuropathy Patients from:

Brookfield, WI 53202


How Our Neuropathy Center Can help

Chiropractic care in Brookfield goes beyond just symptom management. Our goal is to enhance nerve function and restore healthy communication within your body.

Through carefully targeted spinal adjustments, we address misalignments that can pressure nerves, causing irritation and disruption. By correcting these issues, we work to restore optimal communication pathways from the brain to the affected areas.

We understand that neuropathy is influenced by more than just spinal alignment, which is why we offer comprehensive lifestyle guidance. Factors like diet, exercise habits, and effective stress relief strategies are essential in controlling the progression of neuropathy and its associated discomfort.

Our Holistic Approach

Every patient’s journey with neuropathy is unique. Our approach is to craft customized treatment plans considering your overall health and well-being.

First, our neuropathy specialists will conduct a thorough consultation and exam to pinpoint the underlying factors in your case. Then, we’ll recommend a combination of chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle modifications specifically tailored to meet your individual needs.

Doctors who work at a neuropathy treatment clinic in Brookfield

Our Treatment Plan

At our clinic, we understand that neuropathy treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all. We’ll continuously monitor your progress and adapt our approach to ensure you’re getting the best possible results. Our ultimate aim is to help you achieve lasting relief that allows you to reclaim your life and do the things you love.

Here’s how we might address your neuropathy:

  • Gentle spinal adjustments: Designed to improve communication between your brain and the affected nerves.
  • Targeted stretches and exercises: To reduce inflammation and improve flexibility around impacted nerves.
  • Dietary recommendations: Guidance on foods that promote nerve health and help control blood sugar levels (a common neuropathy trigger).
  • Stress relief techniques: Strategies like mindfulness and meditation to help you manage stress, which can worsen neuropathy symptoms.

Why Choose Our Neuropathy Treatment?

For years, we’ve helped countless Brookfield residents find relief from the debilitating effects of neuropathy. Our doctors are committed to continuous learning, keeping their knowledge current with the latest research and treatment techniques for optimal results.

Why choose us for your neuropathy care?

  • Neuropathy specialists: Our chiropractors hold board certifications demonstrating their expertise in neuropathy treatment.
  • Focus on you: We understand that each neuropathy case is unique, so we tailor our plans to your specific needs and goals.
  • Whole-body wellness: We treat your neuropathy as part of your overall health, not just an isolated symptom.
  • Gentle, practical solutions: Our non-invasive, drug-free approaches promote natural healing.
  • Accessibility: We work with most major insurance plans and offer flexible payment options to make quality care accessible.

Neuropathy Consultation

$ 49
1 Time Fee
  • Neurological Exam
  • X-Rays & Spinal Exam
  • Customized Treatment Plan

Contact Us

Start Living the Advantage!

If you’re a Brookfield resident struggling with neuropathic pain, tingling, or numbness, we encourage you to explore our neuropathy treatment clinic as a proven alternative to medication alone.

You can take the first step by booking a consultation today. Our team will answer all your questions and explain how chiropractic care can help you regain comfort and quality of life.

Please feel free to contact us online or call us to get started.

Dr. Zach and Dr. Evan standing next to each other.
Dr. Zach and Dr. Evan standing next to each other.